Tuesday, 15 March 2016 ehdf view pdf

It is Raining Cloud

According to the Cisco Global Cloud Index (2013 – 2018), the Middle
East and Africa are projected to have the world’s highest cloud traffic
growth rate, growing more than 8-fold between 2013 and 2018. The day
since ´Cloud´ no more stood for a sheer harbinger of rain, ICT has been
showering flexibility and agility to business like never before.

-Enterprise Channel MEA

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Monday, 7 March 2016 ehdf

Business Enabler

Digital transformation has become a major focus for many organisations in the Middle East. Today, businesses need to focus on newer technologies, which can...

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Sunday, 6 March 2016 ehdf

Cloud, Managed Services for IoT

Cloud services in the Middle East are growing significantly as businesses are seeing tremendous value in having a scalable and flexible pool of resources at...

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Sunday, 3 January 2016 ehdf

Contending with Legacy

CIOs are forever being told that they need make their IT operations more agile, and better able to respond to changes in the market. However, that’s easier...

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Sunday, 6 December 2015 ehdf

Stacking UP

Most organisations in the Middle east region are looking to migrate to cloud as the expanded functionalities availed by this platform become too hard to...

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