Sunday, 23 October 2016 ehdf view pdf

Accelerating Cloud Transformation

Yasser Zeineldin, CEO, eHDF, talks about how the company is helping businesses to move their infrastructure to the cloud.

-Best Of ICT

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Sunday, 13 November 2016 ehdf

Preparing for the Future of IT

Over the past year, eHosting DataFort (eHDF), part of the MIDIS Group and reputed operator within the data centre, managed hosting and cloud infrastructure...

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Sunday, 6 November 2016 ehdf

Selecting your Strategic Datacenter Partner

An important attribute inside a Data Centre is not just how much existing equipment is stacked and how it is stacked, but also how new equipment will be...

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Sunday, 2 October 2016 ehdf

Selecting your Strategic Data Center Partner

An end-customer wanting to select a Data Center that meets its requirements in terms of availability and reliability must be ready to go down both the paths...

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Sunday, 9 October 2016 ehdf

The Road to DRaaS

Once regarded as prohibitive in terms of costs, the arrival of cloud-based solutions and regional hosting service providers is making top management...

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