Sunday, 24 June 2018 ehdf view pdf

Five Steps To Take To Prepare For A Cyber Breach

At a time when cloud computing, mobile usage and IoT implementations are on the rise, it’s important that organisations of all sizes know how to strengthen their security posture and be prepared for cyber attacks.

– Intelligent CISO

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Sunday, 3 June 2018 ehdf

Role Of Cloud Service Providers In Cloud Migration

Migration of data to the Cloud is the process of moving business processes, business elements, data and applications, from an on-site, premises to a Cloud...

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Monday, 18 June 2018 ehdf

Why Your Cannot Ignore A Layered Approach In Cloud Security

The movement of applications and data to the Cloud needs to be balanced by an equivalent investment into Security solutions to protect those assets now being...

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Sunday, 29 April 2018 ehdf

Security - Your Biggest Challenge in the Cloud

The challenges of securing an organization's data assets in the Cloud remains the primary inhibitor towards migrating to the Cloud. While many organizations...

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Sunday, 22 April 2018 ehdf

Five Minutes

What is your current role in the ICT industry in the Middle East and what are your responsibilities? As eHDF’s CEO, one of my main responsibilities is to...

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