Sunday, 29 July 2018 ehdf view pdf

DR – Why being prepared is non-negotiable for modern businesses

Disaster Recovery helps mitigate a range of negative scenarios.

– Integrator Middle East

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Sunday, 15 July 2018 ehdf

Unlocking the Network Security Opportunity

For vendors, distributors and solution providers playing in the high risk game of cyber security, the only real constant is change. As the number of new...

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Thursday, 14 June 2018 ehdf

Importance Of Cloud Service Providers In Cloud Migration

Migration of data to the cloud is the process of moving business processes, business elements, data and applications, from on-site premises to a cloud...

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Tuesday, 12 June 2018 ehdf

Cloud Service Providers Can Help Organisations Migrate Workloads

Migration of data to the cloud is the process of moving business processes, business elements, data and applications, from an on-site premises to a cloud...

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Sunday, 10 June 2018 ehdf

Layer By Layer Security

The lack of understanding of the importance of security in the cloud can be linked to going away for a vacation and entrusting the keys with a stranger. Any...

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