Wednesday, 18 December 2013 ehdf

Disaster Recovery: A Vital Business Need

Businesses cannot afford to take disaster recovery (DR) lightly. Disasters are unpredictable and it is simply not worth jeopardizing the company’s operations and reputation by not planning ahead.

DR is imperative for a healthy business operation and directly impacts its overall efficiency. This is especially true in the case of banking and financial organizations as well as public sector establishments where the reliance on data is heavy. The downtime in the event of a disaster has to be minimal for the loss of any data could mean significant losses for any business.Even short-term outages, for that matter, can cascade a long-term impact on bottom line profits or even lead to business failure.

eHosting DataFort’s (eHDF) pay-as-you-use options for DR are increasingly being viewed as not just affordable, but also essential with more organizations seeking to benefit and step-up their DR readiness. With most virtualization platforms, one can setup site-to-site replications allowing for easier sync between production and the DR site and easier failover.

Even is site-to-site replication is not enabled, the ease with which a Virtual Machine can be explored and modified to create a standby in the DR site could considerably reduce the DR implementation cycle.

A proper planning of resource allocation is critical in virtualized datacentres for a fast and comprehensive disaster recovery. Careful monitoring and capacity planning is required to avoid overloading of the servers’ available CPU, Memory and I/O resources. In other words, VMs should be carefully placed among available host servers to provide extra capacity (CPU, Memory and Storage) to failover/ move the VMs to available hosts. An over allocated host may crash and take down all the VMs running in it due to lack of resources to failover/ move or sustain the required functionality.

In addition to the financial implications of DR plans, it is important to consider that issue of regulatory compliance and adhering to rules and regulations that demand sensitive data is maintained and retrieved accordingly.

eHDF has qualified DR specialists that can help businesses understand the crucial importance of DR plans in today’s competitive IT landscape that does not allow for any data loss or server downtime. The best way to steer clear of such risks is to opt for disaster recovery services that are tailor-made to specific business needs. eHDF can play an important role in enabling the business of its clients by helping them take charge and put a DR plan in place.

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